We quantified the export relationships between products represented by HS4 codes using full-year data. This page visualizes those results.
On the left is the proximity heatmap. The x and y axes represent HS4 codes, and the brightness indicates the strength of their connection. Brighter areas mean stronger relationships. The data is normalized for effective visualization, and values above a threshold indicate related industries.
On the right, you can use the search bar to find the HS4 code most closely linked to a specific traded product. Note that the results may differ from expectations, as not all related products have direct export connections. For example, certain textiles may require imported raw materials that are not produced or exported by the processing country. These supply chain links may not be reflected in export data.
The export proximity displayed on this page primarily reflects the closeness of demand for production factors between products, outlining the likelihood of two products being exported in large quantities within the same country and during the same period.